Order of Saint Sava, Type III, V Class
SKU: 01.YUG.0101.107.01
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This order was conferred by the King to civilians for "meritorious service to the church, arts, culture or the state". In 1914 the Order was allowed to be awarded to military personnel for "military merit".
The obverse inscription translates to " One's Own Work Achieves All".
This Order was named after Saint Sava who was the first Archbishop of the Serbian Church during the 12th century. He is viewed to this day as the protector of the Serbian people.
Type I and Type II of the Order of Saint Sava can be found under the Serbian Kingdom (-1918) in Serbia. The official name changed to Yugoslavia in 1929.
$150+ USD
Silver gilt/Enamelled
Obv: троvломb сконмb вbса прнобрвте Rev:1883
Huguenin Freres, Switzerland; Fran Sorlini, Switzerland, F.Zimmermann, Germany
Case Of Issue
$50+ USD
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