Order of the Crown of King Zvonimir, Civil Division, II Class Cross
SKU: 01.HRV.0103.105.01
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This Order was conferred upon civilians and military personnel in recognition of civil or military achievements that benefited the state and its people.
The Civil Issue of this Order was awarded with a solid white ribbon with red edges. The Military Issue of this Order was awarded with a solid red ribbon with white edges.
This Order is named after Demetrius Zvonimir, who was the king of Croatia during the 11th century. His reign was a peaceful one and he was a loyal vassal to the Pope.
$300-450 USD
Rev: 1076 BOG I HRVATI 1941
Maker: Braća Knaus Zagreb
There are two versions: pin-back; and tongues back. The reverse is stamped with the maker's mark "BRACA KNAUS ZAGREB."
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