Order of Bravery and Loyalty, Knight's Cross
SKU: 01.NOR.0104.203.01
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This Order was issued by the Quisling Government. It was meant to be the Norwegian equivalent to the German Iron Cross and conferred upon Norwegian front fighters; however, very few were manufactured before it was decided that Norwegian fighters could wear the German Iron Cross.
In 1944, this Order was re-instituted as a civilian Nazi Party award. The "1941" on the obverse was replaced with a Sun-Eagle in the 1944 issue, and sometimes referred to as a political award.
This Order is also known as the "Quisling Cross".
The reverse inscription translates to "Brave and Faithful".
This Order is very rare since it was not conferred often, and after 1945 many recipients kept their conferral a secret.
All three grades of this Order consist of the same cross (same size, and composition). The difference between the three grades are as follows: The I Class Cross was worn as a breast cross, the II Class Cross is worn on a orange and red ribbon, and the Knight's Cross was worn with an elongated suspension attached to a ribbon, possibly worn around the neck.
$1000 USD
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