Luftwaffe Female Auxiliary Winter Jacket


SKU: 22.GOR.

Estimated market value:

$1,000 USD

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Estimated market value:

$1,000 USD


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    This item is very scarce.


Within the Luftwaffe, women were only permitted to serve as civilian employees. After the Second World War began, men in clerical roles were moved to the front line and women were moved into non-combative roles outside of clerical and office duties. They were still considered civilian employees in these roles and were responsible for purchasing their own uniforms.

Prior to 1940, the uniforms worn by women serving in the Luftwaffe were not coordinated across all divisions, sometimes the women were even provided with male uniform pieces for wear. In 1940, specific regulations concerning the uniform and insignia of the Luftnachrichten-Helferinnenschaft (Ln-Helferinnen), Female Air Signals Assistance Service, were introduced. The same basic uniform was worn by women in the Luftschutzwarndienst (Ls-Warndienst-Helferinnenschaft), Air Raid Warning Service, and by the Flakwaffenhelferinnen (Falkhelferin), Anti-Aircraft Auxiliary, after their official establishment in 1943. These different trade groups were differentiated by insignia worn on the uniform tops.

The Female Auxiliary Winter Jacket is also known as a top coat. It was composed of blue-grey fabric and worn by members of the Flakwaffen-Helferinnenkorps.

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