Nuremberg Party Rally Badge, in Gold


SKU: 02.GTR.0407.101.01.000

Estimated market value:

$150+ USD

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Estimated market value:

$150+ USD


  • Country
  • Composition
  • Inscription
    Obv: NÜRNBERG 1914 1919 NSDAP PARTEI TAG 1929
  • Size


The Nuremberg Party Rally Badge was introduced on August 15th, 1929, and was conferred upon Nazi Party members who attended the 1929 Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg. Following the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, the Badge became a symbol of the “Old Guard” (early members of the party) and was often worn by high-ranking officials, such as Adolf Hitler, at subsequent Party Rallies.

At the Nuremberg Rally, which was held from August 2nd-4th, 1929, there were around 60,000 men and 2,000 members of the Hitler Youth in attendance. The event commemorated the fallen soldiers of the First World War but was also an occasion for countless clashes with Communist Party members.

Some sources claim that the colour of the Badge was to correspond with the colour of the buttons on the uniforms of various Nazi organisations.

The Badge became an official Party decoration on November 6th, 1936, making it the second badge recognised by the regime.


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